Press Room
The Trailblazers Behind the New Jersey Food Tour Trail
"There is a lot more to New Jersey’s food scene than just Taylor Ham and pizza, and seven women - each running her own food tour - realized that they’d spread the word more effectively if they banded together.
Pre-pandemic, the women occasionally discussed tour strategies, viewing one another as allies and mentors, rather than competitors. Then, when the pandemic hit and their tours were suspended, the ladies formed the New Jersey Food Tour Trail."
Check out the full coverage here!

"When the effects of the coronavirus pandemic hit the hospitality industry in 2020, it not only closed restaurant dining rooms, but put a stop to New Jersey's food tours. But with restaurants up and running again, food tours are starting up, too. These tours invite food lovers to explore a town by enjoying its restaurants' signature dishes and learning about local history."
Check out the full coverage here!

"Whether it’s a brunch-time stroll through Cape May‘s seafood specialists and authentic international eateries or a movable feast of Somerville’s international cuisine, New Jersey food lovers and visitors can experience it all through the New Jersey Food Tour Trail, a collaboration of food tours that operate in various regions throughout the state."
Check out the full coverage here!

"Looking for something fun to do when the weather turns warm again? Plus, when restaurants are able to safely open back up, you may be itching to get out and become a foodie!"
Check out the full coverage here!

"Food tours are an ideal way to experience the travel and flavors that we’ve all been craving. A new service launching this spring will make it easier for food lovers to explore the Garden State."
Check out the full coverage here!